Baylis Court School

Local Offer

Baylis Court School is an Academy for girls aged 11 to 19 years of age.

Post-16 pupils must meet entry requirements for the sixth form courses. 

Who to contact

Contact name
Rosie Bounds
Contact position
PA to the Principal
01753 531760 01753 531760
Baylis Court School
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Where to go

Baylis Court School
Gloucester Avenue


Find SL1 3AH on a map

Time/date details

When is it on
Open Monday to Friday from 8.30am until 3pm.

Local Offer


Baylis Court School is committed to meeting the needs of students with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities and is supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all students, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school.


Contact name
Mrs Ru Rees
Contact telephone
01753 531760
Contact email
Local Offer age bands
Secondary (11-16 years)
Transitions to Adulthood (16+)

Schools extended Local Offer response

Special Educational Needs policy

At Baylis Court School we welcome all students including those who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).

We encourage high expectations of everyone in our school community and work hard to support one another in achieving these goals.  


Teaching and learning

Through quality first differentiated teaching, every student is supported at a level appropriate to their needs.

Teachers are trained to adapt their teaching to meet the diverse range of needs in each class. Lesson planning provides opportunities to take into account individual student strengths and barriers and plan for success accordingly.

Differentiation is approached in a range of ways to support and ensure that all students can experience success and challenge in their learning.

For those students whose needs cannot be met via quality, first differentiated teaching further intervention programmes and strategies can and will be implemented accordingly. This may involve the assistance of outside agencies and professionals.

Identifying and assessing Special Educational Needs

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0-25 years (2015) outlines our duties in relation to identifying and supporting all children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Communication with parents/carers is paramount to early action and our working together to address identified needs essential to helping the child.

If you are concerned about your child’s academic progress or well-being please contact the school SENDCo to arrange a meeting.

How does the school identify SEND? 

The school is committed to the early identification and assessment of SEND as it is a vitally important part of the remedial process.

Listed below are a number of ways in which a student’s needs may be identified: 

  • informtaion form either the Primary or previous school which is passsed onto the SENDCo and Head of Learning(HOL)
  • Early Years Support Service or other agencies may inform the school about about a forthcoming admission of SEND student
  • the schools own baseline assessments, KS levels, progress based on data collection
  • teacher referrals
  • Head of Learning referral
  • parent/guardian referral
  • pupil self-referral.

Initially the teacher and SENDCo will discuss the student’s needs. A meeting of all interested parties will be carried out - if necessary further testing may be carried out. Full information and assessment will determine whether a student may or may not need to be placed on the SEND register.

Once needs are identified a graduated response to supporting your child’s needs will be initiated.

SEND support will take the form of a four part cycle through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of your child’s needs. This is known as the graduated approach and consists of a four part cycle of; Assess-Plan-Do-Review.

All teachers of a student receiving SEND support will be provided with essential details including the nature of their SEND, recommended teaching strategies, strengths and history of provision.

Involving parents and children/young people in planning and reviewing progress

Where a student is receiving SEND support the SENDCo and/or another member of staff such as the Head of Learning will contact parents/carers on an annual basis to review progress and to make collaborative decisions about how needs can best be met.

Contact may be more frequent where needs change, or where changes to provision are required. Contact may include meetings, phone calls, emails, books or letters home. Parents and carers will be fully involved as much as is possible at all stages.

Students with an Educational Health Care plan (EHCP) will also have an annual review meeting all EHCP’s must be reviewed annually. The SENDCo will organise these reviews and invite:

  • the pupils parents/carers
  • the pupil
  • the relevant teacher
  • any other person the SENCo or Parent/Carer/Teacher considers appropriate and necessary.

The aim of the review will be to: 

  • assess the pupil’s progress in relation to the objectives in the EHCP
  • review the provision made to meet the pupil’s need as identified in the EHCP
  • if appropriate to set new objectives for the coming year. 

At Baylis Court we believe that working in partnership with parents/carers and young people to set targets, make decisions and review progress is best approach for success.

The involvement of parents in all decisions affecting their children is essential for the child or young person’s learning and development. Equally, the active involvement of young people in decisions made about their education is crucial to their success in school.

Additional support

Baylis Court School works with a number of external agencies to seek advice and support to ensure that the needs of all students are fully understood and met.

These include:

  • Slough Psychology Service (SPS)
  • Speech and Language Therapy Service (SALT)
  • Sensory Consortium Service (SCS)
  • Slough Integrated Support Service (ISS)
  • Social Emotional and Behavioural Outreach Service (SEBDOS)
  • Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Social Care services.

In addition, specialist staff within the school, such as our Learning Mentor, may also be involved. 

The consent and full involvement of parents/carers and young people will be sought with all of the above.

Extra activities

A wide range of extra-curricular activities are available at Baylis Court School for all students, both at lunchtimes and after school. Many of these activities are linked to our Specialist Arts Academy status and aim to promote the all-round development of our young people in addition to their academic progress.

Activities include dance, drama, music, P.E. and many more.

Homework Clubs are available both at lunchtime and after school in the library. The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme is also open to all students from Year 10 upwards. All year groups are encouraged to take part in charity and fund-raising opportunities. End of year reward trips, peer mentoring and student voice give further opportunities to take part in the life of the school. A full calendar of extra-curricular opportunities can be found via the link on the school website.

All students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities and SEND is not a barrier to full involvement in all aspects of school life. All clubs, trips and educational visits are open to students with additional needs and individual arrangements are planned in advance to ensure that they are able to participate. Any issues affecting taking part in activities or visits will be addressed and discussed with parents/carers and Heads of Learning.

Meeting social and emotional needs of children/young people

A strong pastoral support system supports students in identifying and overcoming social and emotional concerns led by Director of Learning& Designated Safeguarding Lead who works closely with the SENDCo. 

All teaching and support staff are aware those students who experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties all of which can manifest themselves in many ways.  

Through regular INSET and access to individual SEND support learning plans teachers are equipped with strategies to accommodate such needs. 

Where appropriate a decision to involve outside professional help such as the social emotional behaviour development outreach service (SEBDOS) will be made in agreement with the SENDCo, Head of Learning, parent/carer and the student themselves.

Keeping up to date with knowledge and skills

The SENDCo has the responsibility of keeping the Head Teacher and all teaching and support staff informed about provision, pupils’ needs and changes to statutory requirements.

Whole staff training and twilight session run throughout the academic year recognising the importance of continued professional development, this maybe lead in house or involve the expertise of outside agencies.

Drop in sessions linked to staff appraisal targets are regularly time tabled throughout the year tailored to specific needs and delivered within a small group setting.


Children and young people with SEND can become particularly anxious about “moving on” so we seek to support successful transition throughout their time at secondary school.

Year 6 - 7 transition

The SENDCo and Year 7 Head of Learning will visit all of the feeder primary schools in the Summer Term of Year 6 to discuss the specific needs of your child and the nature and level of support which has had the most impact.

All new students attend an Induction day in the July before they start Year 7 and an information evening is held for parents/carers. In some cases additional multi-agency meetings may be arranged to create a more detailed ‘transition’ plan which may include more visits to the new school and/or additional visits from the new school.

Key Stage 3-4 transition

A personalised approach is taken with an Options Evening, followed by individual meetings with every student and their parents/carers to explore and advise on appropriate option choices and pathways for Years 9-11. Careers events are also included as part of the regular programme of PSHE Days.

Individualised transition support and advice is provided through meetings with the school’s Carers Officer and for students with an EHCP, advisors from the Slough Children’s Services Trust. Help with college visits and applications will be given where appropriate, as will independent travel skills training and coaching for interviews for some higher need students. 

Key Stage 4-5 transition

  • When moving groups/forms in school: all information is shared with their new teachers.
  • When moving to another school: we will contact the new school SENDCo and share information about special arrangements and support that has been made to help your child achieve their learning goals. We will ensure that all records are passed on as soon as possible.

At every stage of this process the views of the young people and their parents /carers will be sought and taken into consideration. All students with a statement/EHCP will have a written Transition Plan as part of their formal Annual Review meeting and report from Year 9 onwards.

Helpful contacts



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