Reach Out, Space2Talk - Slough Children First

In Slough our Care Council is made up of two groups, Reach Out! is for young people looked after aged 11+ and Space2talk is for our care experienced young people aged 16 – 24.

All of our care experienced children and young people can get involved in different forums, groups and activities that each give you the opportunity to tell Slough Children First how services can be made better for the future.

The Reach Out! and Space2talk groups meet up regularly at a venue in Slough to discuss issues that are affecting children in care and care leavers – and to have fun!

Reach Out! and Space2talk provide children and young people with opportunities to:

  • have a say on the issues that matter to you and be heard
  • share ideas on how things could be improved and suggest new ideas
  • influence real changes to the services and support you receive
  • meet the professionals who can make a change
  • make new friends and have fun.

Children and young people who get involved in the Reach Out! or Space2talk groups see their role as representing all the children and young people who are looked after by Slough Children First.

By getting involved you also have the opportunity to meet with senior managers from Slough Children First and will also represent the issues, views and comments of Slough’s care experienced children and young people at something called the ‘Corporate Parent Panel’.

Get involved

Being part of the Care Council is not all about the Reach Out! and Space2talk groups.  It is also an opportunity to get to know other children and young people, take part in projects to create new resources (booklets, leaflets, films, animations) for care experienced children and young people and help us to plan events such as the celebration day.  

If you don’t want to get involved in a care council group there are still lots of opportunities you can take part in such as interview panels to recruit people who want to work for Slough Children First, and attend national events where you get to meet up with other care experienced young people from across the UK. Throughout the year, we will also be touch with you to hear your views on other things, for example, are we keeping the promises we make to you in the Pledge to Children in Care.   

If you are aged 16-24 you should complete the Consent form for care experienced young people to hear lots more about the different ways you can have your say!

Who to contact

01753 477333 01753 477333 Text or WhatsApp: 07591 990111 Text or WhatsApp: 07591 990111
Slough Children First - Care Council - Reach Out and Space2talk
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