Haybrook College

Local Offer
Haybrook College Logo

Haybrook College provides an alternative education in Slough for approximately 170 pupils aged 11-16. The college is for pupils with significant social, emotional and mental health issues, who:

  • have been excluded
  • are at serious risk of exclusion
  • exclude themselves from mainstream education, 

We also provide an education for young people with serious medical conditions. 

About a half of our students have Education, Health and Care Plans for:

  • social
  • emotional
  • behavioural difficulties
  • additional complex needs.

Who to contact

Contact name
Suzanne Green
Contact position
PA to Executive Headteacher
01628 696075 general enquiries 01628 696075 general enquiries
Haybrook College Trust
Scan to visit this website

Where to go

112, Burnham Lane


Find SL1 6LZ on a map

Time/date details

When is it on
All centres operate at different times, check our website for further information..

Local Offer

Contact name
Mr Jamie Rockman
Contact telephone
01628 696075
Contact email
Local Offer age bands
Secondary (11-16 years)

Schools extended Local Offer response

Special Educational Needs policy

Haybrook College consists of both:

  • KS3 and KS4 Alternative Provisions (AP) and
  • a special school, called Millside School.

We specialise in supporting young people, who have not been able to maintain a placement in their local school because:

  • of a Social, Emotional or Mental Health (SEMH) difficulty or
  • they are Medically Vulnerable (MV).

Many pupils have:

  • additional needs, such as Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) and
  • diagnoses such as Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC / ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Millside School is a special school for pupils:

  • in Years 7 to 11
  • who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

The primary need of pupils is social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties. Hoewever, many pupils also have difficulties in other areas of need, such as:

  • cognition and learning,
  • communication and interaction and
  • physical and/or sensory difficulties. 

Our KS3 Alternative Provision is at the Rotunda. It offers:

  • a twelve week course called HYPE (Helping Young People Engage) and
  • the 6th day provision for pupils permanently excluded from school (Interim provision.)

At KS4, we have three different Alternative Provisions (AP):

  • Activate
  • Apollo and
  • Springboard.

Some of the young people who attend the APs have an Education Health and Care Plan but most do not.

When young people leave us at the end of Year 11, we aim to ensure they are able to successfully transfer into further Education, Employment or Training (EET).

Haybrook College also has two vocational provisions:

  • the Construction Hut, where we offer construction as enrichment and
  • Kitchen Craft, which offers catering to our pupils.

The Wexham Park Hospital Schoolroom is at Wexham Park hospital. 

Teaching and learning

What additional support can be provided in the classroom?  

At Haybrook College, class sizes are small. There are up to 7 or 8 pupils in a class with at least two adults: a teacher and a Sports Coach Mentor (SCM).

Where young people have Education Health and Care Plans or are on a 1:1 programme, there may be more support. 

How do you help pupils access to the curriculum and to develop independent learning?

The curriculum at Haybrook College is broad and balanced across key stages and multiple sites.

Key stage 3 learners at Millside School and the Rotunda study a rich and engaging curriculum with maths and English as a priority.

There are a range of interventions for identified pupils. Cultural capital experiences and learning outside the class support learning in class.

The curriculum is appropriately sequenced. This helps pupils to gain the knowledge and skills and prepare for appropriate qualifications.

At key stage 4, there are a range of subjects. This allow pupils to make the best possible choices for the future and leave the College with a minimum of 5 GCSEs or equivalents.

Pupils will study:

  • Maths
  • English
  • Science
  • ICT

as part of our core curriculum. They then make some choices about options available for their remaining subjects. 

The HYPE programme is a twelve week programme. It focuses on supporting young people to develop strategies to self-regulate and manage their behaviour more effectively.

We have a large SEND team, including:

  • a specialist literacy teacher
  • an HLTA
  • a SaLT Assistant
  • Reading Intervention Mentor
  • ELSA's in each centre.

The team deliver interventions to support pupils to progress.

We work closely with our Educational Psychologist and Speech and Language Therapist.

They provide support to pupils and staff to ensure we can meet pupils' needs.

What ongoing support and development is in place for staff to support children and young people with SEND?

All staff receive comprehensive and ongoing professional development. This ensures they are well equipped to meet the needs of our pupils. This programme also includes safeguarding and Team Teach.

Inset sessions for teachers are based on developing the quality of our teaching and learning.

The Curriculum Lead team work with subject teachers and individuals to support learning.

All staff support pupils in the classroom. The SENDCo takes a lead on advising more targeted support for those learners who need it.

All provisions across the College have daily debrief meetings. This is to make sure the needs of the learners are always monitored, reviewed and adapted as needed.

Centres regularly contact an Educational Psychologist and Speech and Language Therapist for advice and support in developing strategies to support staff in maximising learning.

What arrangements are made for reasonable adjustments in the curriculum and support to the pupil during exams?

All young people are baseline assessed when they start at Haybrook College. This allows staff to identify any additional needs. Support is given to pupils entitled to access arrangements to access:

  • readers
  • scribes
  • prompts
  • extra time
  • use of coloured paper

in their exam and in their lessons.

We are able to provide extra rooms in which pupils can take their exams. Haybrook College staff provide all access arrangements.

How do you share educational progress and outcomes with parents/carers?

All pupils are set half termly subject targets which are reviewed and re-set.

School reports are issued at the end of each term.

Each centre arranges for parent/carer consultation evenings / afternoons each year and annual reviews of EHCPs.

Parents/carers are informed daily, where appropriate, of their child’s progress in school.

What external teaching and learning do you offer?

Pupils have the opportunity to attend off site visits and trips. This is a part of the broad and balanced curriculum on offer, such as visits to:

  • colleges
  • museums
  • sporting events.

Haybrook College will also work with other external agencies where appropriate.

What arrangements are in place to ensure that support is maintained in "off-site provision"?

Some young people have the opportunity to access education provided by external agencies such as college or vocational activities. 

Staff carefully select any off-site provisions and initial visits, complete risk assessments, go with pupils on their first few visits and check attendance.

Reports are sent to school from any off-site provider. 

What work experience opportunities do you offer?

We offer pupils the opportunity to take part in work experience, where appropriate.

All pupils get Information Advice and Guidance (IAG) from our Careers Lead and/or Adviza. 

Identifying and assessing Special Educational Needs

·    Pupils’ SEND are identified in many ways: 

  • Information received from the local school.
  • Meeting parents/carers. We offer them the opportunity to share important information with Haybrook staff . This helps us to support their child.
  • Base line testing when young people join us. This can sometimes give us more accurate information than data from schools. This is because many young people who join us have been out of school for some time.
  • Information from other professionals such as Educational Psychologists and Speech and Language Therapists
  • A young people's SEND needs are already identified if they have an EHCP.

Through continual assessment, college staff may identify further educational needs. Strategies put in place to address these difficulties.

Haybrook employs a range of professionals to further support this process including but not limited to:

  • an Educational Psychologist
  • a Speech and Language Therapist
  • staff from the autism service

We encourage young people to let staff know if they are finding anything particularly difficult.

Involving parents and children/young people in planning and reviewing progress

What are the arrangements for review meetings for pupils with Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plans?

All pupils who have EHCPs will have these reviewed:

  • on an annual basis or
  • more frequently if early reviews are required. 

Parents and carers are always invited to the review process organised by the College's SENDCo's. Their views are gathered during the meeting. The SENDCo will usually meet with the child before the review meeting to gain their views.

What arrangements are in place for pupils with other SEND support needs?

Haybrook considers any pupil without an EHCP, a pupil on 'SEND Support'. This is because they need more support than a mainstream school has been able to offer.

We work closely with a range of professionals who support the young people on roll.

These include:

  • Educational Psychologist
  • Speech and Language Therapist
  • ASD Specialist Teacher
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Mental Health Support Team (MHST)

A Sports Coach Mentor (SCM) is in every lesson to help support the learning needs of the pupils. We also have a dedicated Careers Lead to support transition at Post 16.

How do you ensure that parents/carers know “who’s who” and who they can contact if they have concerns about their child/young person?

As a part of the young person’s induction, parents/carers can meet key members of staff, including the:

  • Head of Centre
  • Form Tutor 
  • Key staff members
  • School Admin Assistant

The pupil will meet the majority of staff on their induction programme. Parents/carers will find that the Haybrook staff team are very approachable and are always on hand to help however they can.

Regular contact with home will be maintained via the SCM.

Do parents/carers have to make an appointment to meet with staff or do you have an Open Door policy?

Due to the small numbers, we are able to have very regular contact with families. We will always make time to meet with parents/carers, whether they have made an appointment or not.

How do you keep parents/carers updated with their child/young person’s progress?

Academic progress is reported to parents/carers at the end of each term. Pupil progress will also be shared at annual review meetings and parent/carer consultation meetings.

Teaching staff are happy to discuss more specific progress at any point, if you have any concerns.

How can parents/carers give feedback to the school?

Parents/carers have the opportunity to give the school feedback:

  • verbally or
  • through parent/carer surveys distributed at various times within your child's time with us.

Do you have home/school contracts?

No, we don’t. We do not like ‘rules.' we prefer to work with ‘expectations.’

We explain our expectations when pupils start at Haybrook College. We always encourage pupils to follow them. However, we do not like to use home/school contracts as they can become negative if and when rules inevitably get broken. 

What opportunities do you offer for pupils to have their say?

Each centre has their own Student Council. At the council, they can discuss issues that are important to them. Pupils are sometimes asked to represent their peers on a pupil panel when there are interviews for staff. This is because we value their opinion about who they would like to work with them. Tutor times also provide an informal yet structured forum for pupil voice.

What opportunities are there for parents/carers to have their say about their child or young person’s education?

We welcome parents/carers sharing their feelings about their child’s education. We have regular opportunities at:

  • parent/carer consultation meetings and
  • annual reviews

We are always happy for parents/carers to talk to us in between these more formal opportunities.

What opportunities are there for parents/carers to get involved in the school or become school governors?

Parents/carers are sometimes invited on educational visits and activities.

If you are happy to be involved in this way, please let us know.

We have a Parents/Carers Support Group where parents/carers meet together socially, support each other and learn about various topics of interest.  

Working with other professionals such as Occupational Therapy, Speech & Language Therapy, physiotherapy, sensory consortium.

At Haybrook College, we work with a wide range of professionals.

We work closely with Educational Psychologists who:

  • work approximately one day per week 
  • assess pupils, and work directly with them
  • recommend strategies for our staff to use to positively impact our pupils
  • support the staff with training and our whole college approach

We also have a Speech and Language Therapist who:

  • works one day a week to deliver targeted interventions to pupils
  • oversees the work of our Speech and Language Therapy Assistant
  • ensures staff can support speech, language and communication needs in their teaching.

The SENDCo's are able to commission Occupational Therapy for pupils who may need it.

We can access support from the ASD Advisory Service at Slough Borough Council, when required.

Haybrook also employs the services of No22. They provide each centre with a School Counsellor.

Each centre also has a qualified Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA)

Additional support

Do you offer help with completing forms and paperwork? If yes, who provides this help and how would parents/carers access this?

A range of staff are available to help parents/carers complete paperwork which may be about or affect their child.

This can be done by calling the Centre office to ask for an appointment.

What information, advice and guidance can parents/carers and young people access through the school? Who provides this help and how would they access this?

If parents/carers have any questions or would like to ask for advice or support, they can ask their Head of Centre or the centre's Family Support Worker who will be able to signpost to people/places that can help.

The College SENDCo's are always happy to help with SEND queries. If parents/carers have any questions about their child's SEND or any other related matter, we can arrange for the SENDCo's to contact you.

Our Careers Lead can provide information and advice about careers, moving on to employment or further education.

Again, if parents/carers have any questions about their child’s options post 16 or any other related matter, we can arrange for the Careers Lead to contact you.

How does the college help parents/carers with travel plans to get their child to and from school/college?

Pupils are expected to travel to Haybrook independently. However, for those pupils with EHCPs, transport is usually provided. This is:

  • dependent on the distance between home and school and
  • authorised by the transport team at Slough Borough Council.

For moving on to post 16 provisions, travel training can be provided for pupils who are anxious or unsure how to get to college.

For those pupils with EHCPs, travel plans can be discussed at the Annual Review. Individual support for independent travel can be developed with support from a Sports Coach Mentor, the Careers Lead or the Family Link Worker.

Extra activities

·      Do you offer school holiday and/or before and after school provision? If yes, please give details. 

Haybrook College does not offer holiday or after school provision. However we can often signpost to holiday activities in the local area. Some centres offer after school sports clubs. However these are not consistently timetabled and subject to change according to the centre, and the term. 

What lunchtime or after school activities do you offer? Do parents/carers have to pay for these and if so, how much?

We provide activities and opportunities for the pupils to develop their interests and talents.

All Centres at Haybrook College have a breakfast club. A majority of pupils and staff have a breakfast together before the start of the school day. A broad range of sporting activities take place at lunch and breaktime.

Pupils are also taken on various educational and reward trips which develop their interests and skills. We aim for all activities to be free. However, we may occasionally ask for contributions to trips/visits.

How do you make sure clubs, activities and residential trips are inclusive? 

We try to ensure that everyone has a chance to go on trips by making sure that the activities are free. 

Staff will contact parents/carers by phone or by letter/email to ensure that everyone knows about of all activities provided. We always try to provide transport to ensure that pupils do not miss out. 

How do you help children and young people to make friends? 

Developing young people’s ability to make friends underpins much of what we do on a day to day basis.

We have programmes to develop their social skills. This would help them to interact with each other in a positive and respectful way.

We encourage all young people to appreciate the needs of others and of the community around them. This also encourages a community of tolerance and understanding of each other.

Staff are aware of the need to role model such behaviours in the way they communicate to the young people and each other.

It is a priority for all staff to ensure that all pupils feel safe, secure and valued at all times. We provide opportunities for young people to work closely and constructively together throughout the school day.

During lesson and at break times, we:

  • provide team building activities that develop their relationships with each other
  • use sport as an excellent medium to foster good relationships amongst pupils.
Meeting social and emotional needs of children/young people

·      Health (including Emotional Health and Wellbeing)

We believe that if young people are not healthy they will not learn.

We therefore make sure that young people’s needs are met as fully as possible. We provide a healthy breakfast and lunch on all sites. Academic and pastoral support remain our focus. Healthy lifestyles are always encouraged.

All staff are trained in Child Protection. There are some qualified First Aiders also on the staff team. Staff understand the importance of children and young people's mental health. They have a range of strategies in place to support them. All centres have access to a trained counsellor and ELSAs.

What is the school’s policy on administering medication?

Each Haybrook centre has a lockable cabinet. This is secured within a room which is normally manned or kept locked.

When a pupil joins, parents/carers are asked to sign a document. to allow their child to take certain types of medication under staff supervision.

We usually store some basic medications such as paracetamol and allergy medication in our medical cabinet.

In the event a pupil requires any medication from home, we ask this to be handed in. Staff will oversee a pupil taking this at the appropriate times. Staff will often ask parents/carers if some medication can be offered before sending children home ill. It is always our aim to try to keep pupils in school where possible. 

How do you work with the family to draw up a care plan and ensure that all relevant staff are aware of the plan?

At the end of each day, all staff have a debrief meeting at which the young people's days are discussed. This enables them to share the most current information to the appropriate staff.

The Head of Centre, along with other staff, write Pupil Management Plans and Pupil Risk Assessments.

The SENDCo provides medical and SEND information to relevant staff. This makes them all fully aware of each pupil’s needs.

School nurses are involved where appropriate. They will visit to make the required health checks. 

What would the school do in the case of a medical emergency?

If there was a medical emergency:

  • staff would call 999 and
  • a trained first aider would administer first aid where appropriate.

A member of staff would go with the young person in the ambulance. Parents/carers would be informed as soon as possible. Haybrook College has a defibrillator on the main site.

How do you ensure that staff are trained/qualified to deal with a child’s particular needs?

There is a training programme in place to support staff. There is a comprehensive induction programme and continual professional development training for all Haybrook College staff.

There is a wealth of experience amongst the staff team. This includes staff who have specialist experience/ knowledge and/or training in the specifics of SEN, such as Dyslexia, ASD, Speech, Language and Communication Needs and more complex needs.

In addition to this, the Educational Psychologist will hold solution-focussed strategy meetings to share good practice and help find effective strategies for pupils maybe causing concern.

The college has a Speech and Language Therapist for one day each week.

Which health or therapy services can children and young people access on school premises?

There is a range of support available to young people. This includes the school nursing team, who support the school with Sexual Health Education and any other health issues or concerns and Turning Point who offer drugs, alcohol and smoking education as well as individual counselling. 

The college also works closely with CAMHS and the Mental Health Support Team in supporting pupils and families.

Keeping up to date with knowledge and skills


Haybrook College recruit staff who are skilled and have the experience needed to work with young people with SEND.

There is also an induction programme which all staff are required to undertake upon starting with us.

This training ensures that staff are aware of the correct safeguarding procedures and management of challenging behaviour. 


Throughout the year, the school also has a range of training opportunities. This is to ensure that all staff are kept up to date with their knowledge and understanding of SEND and teaching and learning.

A range of professionals are invited in to Haybrook to share their expertise and outstanding practice through ‘in-house’ training across the College.


Haybrook College understands 'transitions' can be a particularly stressful time for young people.

What support is offered for young people leaving the school? (For example: careers guidance, visits to colleges, apprenticeships, supported employment)

Pupils at Haybrook College have the support of our Careers Lead and an advisor from Adviza.


  • works with the pupils in school from year 10
  • supports their applications and visits to colleges
  • helps them with interview preparation
  • supports them with travel to interviews if necessary.

Full support is offered from this stage onwards, through the summer holidays, the initial phase of enrolling at college and through until the following February. 

Some of our pupils make a successful transition back into mainstream school. This is carefully planned with experienced staff. 

The young person receives regular visits from Haybrook staff to check and support their transition.

What advice/support do you offer young people and their parents/carers about preparing for adulthood?

The College buys in a range of support from outside agencies. This is to ensure that all young people have access to impartial Information Advice and Guidance.(IAG).

Our Careers Lead is also trained to provide impartial advice and guidance. Our curriculum is designed to support pupils to become prepared for next steps into adulthood.

What handover arrangements will be made at the start and end of the school day? Do you have parking areas for pick up and drop offs?

Many of the young people who attend Haybrook, make their own way in or are brought in by parents/carers.

The College staff support young people to get a bus pass if they are entitled to one.

Some of the young people who attend Haybrook are brought to and from school by a taxi. If so, the drivers will either bring the young people into their buildings where they will be greeted by college staff or staff will meet them at the taxi's.

At the end of the day, pupils are escorted to their taxis by a member of staff.

We encourage parents/carers to call the school in the morning if there are any concerns or to share important information that may support us in supporting their children.

Staff will equally call parents/carers at the end of the day if they would like to hear about their young person’s day.

What support is offered during breaks and lunchtimes?

Haybrook recognises the challenges that unstructured times can present to young people with SEMH.

There is a range of activities available to young people at break times and lunch times.

For those who don’t want to get involved in sport, there is a choice of indoor activities, such as:

  • games
  • art and crafts 
  • supervised social time with staff and each other.

Staff always have their lunch with the young people and spend time with them at breaks.

How do you ensure my child/young person stays safe outside the classroom? (For example: during PE lessons and school trips)  

All activities are risk assessed and staffing ratios are high. Staff are always carefully selected to ensure pupils are fully supported.

What are the school arrangements for undertaking risk assessments?  

The school buys in to a risk assessment software which supports in the monitoring and recording of risk assessments.

An experienced member of staff has the responsibility for conducting and recording all these risk assessments. These are also closely monitored by senior staff.

Where can parents/carers find details of policies on bullying?  

Policies can be found on the website and we will give hard copies to anyone who wants to. Parents and carers are encouraged to come in to school if they have any concerns about their child being bullied.

Helpful contacts
  • PA to the Executive Headteacher of Haybrook College: 01628 696075.
  • SENDCo's: 01628 696075.
  • Millside School: 01628 696061.
  • Rotunda: 01753 823754.
  • Springboard: 01628 696066.
  • Apollo: 01628 696087.
  • Activate: 01753 535874.
  • Careers Lead: 01628 696073.
  • SBC SEND Team: 01753 787676.

Last updated

Last updated - .


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