Health and wellbeing (professionals)

All children and young people deserve the best start in life. 

Children and young people who feel good about themselves and are confident and optimistic about their future will be better equipped, more resilient and able to deal with and adapt to the inevitable stresses that life will set them. 

If a child or young person suffers mental ill-health and their condition is not addressed, they are likely to remain unwell through adulthood and go on to develop other harmful physical health conditions too.

If you need information or have concerns about a child's or young person's health or wellbeing, check the sections below to find services that offer support. 

You can also check:

Physical health and wellbeing

Physical activity has been shown to boost self-esteem, mood, improve sleep quality and increase energy, while reducing the risk of stress and depression.

There are:

  • sports and leisure facilities in Slough that children and young people can access
  • clubs that offer specialist activities for all ages of children such as football, martial arts or athletics clubs, arts & music groups
  • many outdoor open spaces including local parks and play spaces with new and exciting equipment to play on. These provide a wealth of free activities.


Mental health and wellbeing

We all struggle with how we feel.

Problems with friends, family or school can make a child anxious, depressed, angry or scared. They may feel better if they talk to someone, but may find it difficult to talk to people they know.

If a child or young person is between 11 to 18 years old and up to 25 if they have special educational needs:

The following services can also help and support the child or young person.

  • The Mix offers free, confidential support via online, social and mobile.
  • Talking Therapies is for young people aged 17+ and has low mood, anxiety or stress.
  • Samaritans helpline - 116 123 provides 24/7 emotional support.
  • Shout offers 24/7 text support.
  • Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention gives confidential advice for young people at risk of suicide and others who are concerned about them.
  • Beat offers a non-judgemental space to share feelings and thoughts around eating disorders.
  • CAMHS support children and young people whose difficulties are very distressing and who are registered with a GP in East Berkshire.

The Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit and Thames Valley Police have begun an innovative new process to identify children of a parent who is sent to prison, allowing a prompt offer of support for the whole family by the charity Children Heard & Seen.

Slough Cultural Menu for Schools and Colleges (PDF) is aimed at teachers across education settings in Slough to improve the visibility of creative arts and creative careers and to help drive a more joined-up cultural education offer. It is a signposting resource for you and your pupils to improve mental health and wellbeing. Please note: This file may not be suitable for users of assistive technology. Please go to our accessibility statement for more information. 


  1. Theory of change October 2020 - University of Loughborough
  2. Slough cultural menu

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